I recently learned more about the research science institute at MIT, and it really interests me, however, the acceptance rate and stuff is really discouraging... should I even bother applying?
State: Washington (not Seattle area, NOT DC)
GPA: 4.0 (uw)
Class rank: 2/480
Test Scores:
PSAT (2015) 1460 (700 M, 750 R)
ACT 36 (36 E, 35 M, 36 R, 35 S, 10/12 essay)
AP: Calc BC (5 subscore 5), Computer Science (5)
Courses: (I've taken the max course load my school will pay for every year, including online and zero hour classes, and I've pretty much taken the hardest course I can while still having a unique and interesting schedule)
9th: Debate, Honors Physics, Honors English, AP Euro, Advanced Orchestra, Spanish 1, Pre-Engineering, Fitness and Health, Pre-Calc
10th: AP Photography (Studio Art 2D), AP Computer Science A, AP Calc BC, Honors Spanish 2, Advanced Orchestra, Honors Bio, Drafting and Design Technology, Honors English, Fitness
11th: (fall quarter at a directional 4-year university): General (Calc Based) Physics 1, Physics Lab, General Chem 1(will probably get a 3.7-3.8/4.0), Advanced Composition
(at a different university bc the first one was going to make me repeat a year of calc :/): Multivariable Calc
(winter quarter): General Physics 2, General Chem 2, US History
(at the other university, spring semester): Diff Eq
obviously I'll do more in the spring and stuff but that won't show up on my application
Research field choices: robotics, physics (like space travel stuff?? relativity and cool stuff like that idk)
Awards: FIRST Deans List Semifinalist, Certified SolidWorks Associate uuuhm? I got like 6th place in a math competition in 5th grade?? this is an issue... I mean like my robotics team has won stuff but those aren't personal awards
STEM ECs: FIRST Robotics (I started my own FLL team in 5th grade, treasurer on school's FRC team science sophomore year, CAD/programming subteam leader, varsity letter... really, really involved in this)
I'm working on programming a game with my friends, and designing a battlebot in SolidWorks for fun but I don't really have anything to show for it yet. Math is Cool (wa state math comp 10th grade, wanted to do it again but the teacher didn't sign us up :/), Washington Areospace Scholars (assuming I get in)
Non STEM ECs: starting/mentoring FLL robotics teams (volunteering), STEM summer camp counselor (paid job with the school district), went with a small group to El Salvador where we ran a summer camp with teens from a small village there, the group from the US planned science activities beforehand (not just "voluntourism" I've wanted to go since I was 7), rock climbing team (I won 4th place at a local comp but I don't really compete beyond that), debate (9th grade) violin (kinda quit but I used to take private lessons, and I played during mass at my church and got a varsity letter in orchestra)
Recommendation letters:
-Robotics Coach (can speak to my accomplishments in this club, and also in drafting and design tech which she taught)
-9th grade honors physics teacher (he taught the course through long (quarter long) labs, I did the best on every lab in his class and he could tell I genuinely enjoyed the process (unlike a lot of people))
-current physics professor (I do the best in his class on tests and understanding concepts quickly and stuff, and I answer a lot of questions in his class (to the point where he tells me to shut up lol) and he tried to get me to major in physics)
Anyway, do I stand any chance? At all? I'm usually pretty good at spinning the story into something that makes me look the best, but I can't do magic...