DD17 took two STEM-oriented summer programs after her junior year, at Rose Hulman and UMass Amherst. They both seemed extremely useful for her to help figure out what she wants / doesn't want.
DS19 is in 10th grade. He's a normal kid, probably interested in STEM, but no outstanding credentials or anything. I was thinking that it might be good for him if he could go to some short sleep-away program (a week or two) where he could experience something academic that he might be interested in.
Does anyone have any recommendations for summer programs that are:
- STEM-oriented / exploratory, open to rising 11th graders
- Not particularly competitive
- Not too far from the SF bay area (including by plane), e.g. the bay area itself, SoCal, Portland, Seattle
Looking for a summer program for current 10th grader, preferably close / a short flight from SF area