Hey guys, I know the Welch Scholar application hasn't been posted yet, but in the application requirements they've listed a 250 word essay and the prompt.
250 word essay (approximately 1 double-spaced typed page). The essay should be sent as a PDF attachment to the Program Coordinator at wssp@cm.utexas.edu. In your essay you should address one of the following items:
a. Discuss your present academic focus. What interests you most about chemistry?
b. Which of your past achievements are most important to you and why? Describe one or two accomplishments or life experiences, your age at the time, and what each meant to your self-development.
c. Discuss an individual who has influenced you. What are the attributes of this person that you most admire? You may draw from fiction, biography, or your own experience.
Does anyone know if this is only last years prompt that will be changed once applications are opened? Or if it will be the same? I really want to get started on the essay, since i want to make it as perfect as possible for when i submit the application, but if it's an old prompt that will be changed.....