Hi guys! I'm new here, I'll go by Nephisto. Nice to meet y'all, you seem like a peppy bunch! xP
I'm a freshman in hs and I'm applying to the MIT Launch summer program...I just wanted to know how any of you would consider my chances of getting in (esp. Launch alumni). I have a strong feeling that my application will look quite weak in comparison to all the other people that are applying (I've heard this program attracts some really outstanding people) but since I've got my heart set on attending I thought I'd might as well give it a shot >.<
GPA UW = 3.97
AP Classes: AP Microecon, AP Macroecon, AP Government + Politics
Extracurriculars (on the application you can only submit 5, so here are my 5 strongest)--
-Writing: I have been writing for over 8 years now (started when I was 6), and have won a host of schoolwide and local competitions (library contests, etc) and am going to be entering the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards next year. Also, I have submitted work to various teen literary journals (Winter Tangerine Review, Canvas, Polyphony HS, among others) and am in the process of applying to become an editor at Polyphony HS. I was a senior editor of the school newspaper/magazine in 8th grade when I took journalism, and I self-published a collection of short stories for children when I was 12.
-Speech & Debate team:
"Recognized" speaker & debater (broke to at least semi-finals in every tournament attended). Participated in Lincoln Douglas debate, Original Oratory, and impromptu speaking. Really improved my confidence and persuasive skill. (Note: I know this one is really weak)
-Science & Quiz Bowl teams: In 8th grade I participated in both Science and Quizbowl, I'm lumping them together in one category because they go hand in hand and there was one club for both Quiz + Science Bowl combined. I was a captain on both teams and we placed second regionally in Science Bowl and in the top 40 nationally for Quiz Bowl.
-Leadership Club:
I'm an officer, so I get to boss a few people around xP Mainly we organize school events like talent shows, dances, etc. We also organize outside events like park clean-ups and volunteering at soup kitchens, things like that. Recently we did a food drive for the homeless. The main purpose of Leadership Club at our school is to help give students a voice and influence policy at school. I'm new at this school which made me ineligible for any major positions like Pres. , VP, etc. :(
-Taekwondo: I am a 1st degree black belt & a junior instructor. I regularly attend tournaments, the most recent at which I placed 3rd in weapons and 6th in forms for my division (teen girls). I have been taking taekwondo lessons for 6 years and participating in tournaments for 5. As a junior instructor, I am responsible for teaching a few classes here and there, assisting in several classes a month, and helping younger students with their forms, weapons, sparring, etc.
I haven't done anything super entrepreneurial though I am really interested, but I am currently involved in starting a non-profit for throwing birthday parties for terminally ill kids. I feel like my lack of entrepreneurial experience and "damn!/wow!" factors/events are really going to make me pale in comparison to other applicants; I feel that my GPA are on par with most.
So what do you guys think? Do I stand a chance at getting into the MIT Launch summer program?
Thank you all so much <3