So over the summer, I would like to assist with either a physics or astronomy lab and basically learn how to preform scientific research. However, as a rising highschool junior, I'm worried I don't have the proper background to keep up or help, especially in the more math-orientated fields. Should I try for an easier field, despite wanting to be a physicist when I'm older, or would an actual physicist/astronomer be willing to help me?
Additionally, how would I approach a researcher to ask them to join their lab? Would I come across as naive or foolish for asking them to take me on, or would they be excited to teach a young person something they're passionate about? And are there any good science labs in the seattle area, or at the University of Washington specifically? Any recommendations for this area would be great, as I'm having difficulties actually finding research labs near where I live.
Any advice would be great, since I really would love to do this, but I'm not quite sure where to begin. I'm currently on the advanced track for both math and science at my school, but that just means that I'm in chemistry and honors algebra 2 as a sophomore, which isn't really that significant.