Hey all! I'm a high school senior currently considering whether or not I want to take a gap year before my freshman year of college. I was just accepted into my top college (!) and I am, obviously, pretty dang excited about attending:) However, I've always just assumed I would defer a year no matter where I got in and take a gap year to travel/work/volunteer, etc. Now though, I'm not so sure--I am just pretty ready to be IN college, not just out of high school. I seem to only still be considering it because of all the amazing benefits and the enriching experience it would be, but I am also worried about the downsides: I am old for my grade (I turn 19 in August), so if I took a year off before starting college I would be 20 years old my freshman year, and I'm concerned the maturity gap might be an issue for me in terms of enjoying my time at college I pretty much know all the upsides to taking a gap year, but I was wondering if anyone has any insight/opinions about the whole concept. Is it realistic to think about doing something AFTER college like peace corps or isaAID? If you have taken/know anyone who took a gap year, how did you/they decide to do so and decide what to do? Thank you insanely much, insight super appreciated :)