I really want to get into MITES!!!
Gender: Male
Race: Mixed Race: Pacific Islander (Mother), Korean (Father) -- How do I make this look like I'm a minority?
Family Income:
GPA: 97 out of 100 Weighted (My school doesn't have a 4.0 scale system)
August 2018 SAT (the rigged one): 1460: 680-English 780-Math (I'm going to take December and hopefully I'll get a 1500+ on that test)
AP Classes (Completed)
- AP World History : 5
AP Courses (Currently Taking)
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Lang
- AP Physics 1
Other Courses
- Math Theory Honors (hardest course in the school)
- Spanish 4 (I take regular, does this affect me?)
- Chamber Orchestra
- Independent Study (I am creating my school's app)
- General Robotics Club Treasurer
- FIRST Sub-team Captain
- Web Development Vice President
- Tri-M Music Honors Society Web Developer (I made and manage their website)
- Syosset Newsletter (I also made and manage their website)
- Varsity Track and Field (All-Conference Honors)
- Piano (I play for our church praise team)
- Cello (All-County)
Volunteer Work
- Church Orchestra (Little less than 200 hours as I am writing this right now) - I also coach the other cello students in that orchestra.
Hopefully my essays and teacher recs are good enough :/
I am really desperate to get in D:<