I have two potential opportunities lined up for this summer: two weeks of Kentucky Governor's School for the Arts or a month-long, paid, pseudo-internship at Yellowstone national park. I don't know if I'll make it into either of them, and, obviously, if I make it into just one, it'll make this decision pretty easy. However, on the off chance that I were to make it into both, which would be a better idea? I feel the need to start thinking about this now so that I don't make a regrettable decision if I were actually faced with that circumstance.
I would like to be an ecologist or something of the sort, but money is an issue for me, and, if I were to make it into the Kentucky Governor Scholar's program, which GSA may help me with, I could go to any school in Kentucky for free. That said, I do itch to go somewhere out of state. My reachy/dreamy schools include Tulane or this obscure private school I found which has an acceptance rate of about 50%, (but that's not really all that relevant, is it? )
These two events are mutually exclusive. What do??