Hello. I'm currently a HS junior looking for summer programs to apply to. I've read probably every post on here and AoPS and am interested in these four math programs. Math is my favorite subject. I have a passion for it, so I will definitely try my hardest at the applications. I have right now three full pages of LaTeX for one of the application problems that I haven't even finished yet! I was wondering which of these four programs would look the best on college applications/would benefit me the most. I've learned that PROMYS and ROSS and very similar and structured toward number theory, whereas HCSSiM is more variable and Mathcamp is everything in between. I'm looking for a combination of prestige and benefit. I've seen a little bit into the structure of each program, but what I really want is which one(s) I should apply to. It seems too brutal to apply to all four and have a good chance. I would rather apply to one or two but with a really kickass application with delved-into math concepts and reasoning than applying to all four half-assedly. Anyone have any suggestions? If nothing else, I'd like to eliminate one or two at least. Thank you for reading and responding. :)