I'm a sophomore (rising junior) in the Boston area looking for strong, affordable business/leadership camps anywhere in the country.
Ideally, this camp would be
- Residential
- 2-3 weeks long
- Co-ed (although I am also open to co-ed)
- Focused on business, leadership, law, politics, etc.
- App deadline of late February or later
Side note - I am not looking for a residential pre-college program in which you just take summer session courses, but if you have any suggestions please be sure to leave them in the comments so other people have access to them
Side note #2 - I don't think I have a shot at the most prestigious programs because my grades are not superb. My transcript is a mix of As and Bs, with more of the latter. I know a lot of the top top programs require a stronger GPA than what I have, so I'd appreciate if people could suggest programs that are less focused on grades and more on essay writing and extracirriculars
If you have attended a camp like this or know of one, please please please let me know and I would really appreciate your help