- Straight white male
- $140,000 house income
- Missouri public high school
- ACT: 33 comp, will take again
- 1410 PSAT (700 reading, 710 math)
- GPA: upward trend, 4.85 this semester, 4.3 past two years
- Rank: 4 of 350
AP: 1 sophomore year
- APUSH (4)
- 5 junior year (current)
- Physics 1
- Bio
- Calc AB
- Lang/Comp
- Government
- (school does not offer BC or Phys C)
Planning on taking 4 or 5 APs next year
- Literally nothing
- Technology Student Association (Reporter - manage PR and advertising) 2 years
- FIRST Robotics Team (CAD team, no leadership available) 1 year
- Scholar Bowl (varsity captain) 1 year
- Assistant Student Council, 2 years
- Varsity Tennis, 2 years
Probably not great, I have some projects and other stuff I'm working on that could better my odds if I finish them on time. Any and all feedback is appreciated! Thank you! Hate to do these but I'm really insecure lol