Hi all,
I’m a rising high school senior, who will be looking at some Ivy League (Brown, maybe Princeton) and other selective schools, and wanted to get your opinion on something. This summer, my parents arranged for me to do an unpaid physics internship with an extremely distinguished physics professor and entrepreneur who is a friend of theirs (and the company he owns in a 10 hour away state), which includes independently designing an experiment (won’t be too specific) and writing a patent. The only problem is, I have never taken physics at all in high school, and my spatial skills are very poor, I honestly am not able to understand a word any of the people at his company are saying, even when they try to explain it, and I try to research it on my own, but still don’t. . In addition, the professor I am doing the internship with is very far from understanding of people with absolutely no knowledge of their subject whatsoever, which is understandable for someone at his level, but incredibly frustrating. I really do not think it is fair to expect him or any of his employees to engage with me about physics, given my complete lack of understanding, and the fact that their other interns have taken years of physics and have previous lab experience. I am doing some other activities this summer (paid position teaching at summer program for low income kids, 2350 USCF level competitive chess), and wanted to know if not following through with the physics internship would significantly impact my chances at a highly selective school (my parents certainly seem to think that if I don’t do it, I will stand no chance at all, but say they will leave the decision up to me). If I were to for example do a 2 or 4-week course from one of the Ivies (I checked and found a few that are interesting and still available) would that appear significantly worse to a selective college? I know I am to an extent backing down from a challenge, but I simply find think this one is impossible, and would like to avoid having to do so much during a summer if I possibly can. My parents feel it is a great opportunity to show initiative because I couldn’t take physics, but I just think I’ve worked hard to build a good record through the first 3 years of high school, and this is simply too difficult, as I am just too unprepared. I am not intending to major in anything that relates to physics (I’d like to peruse either law or business, something in the social sciences, not natural sciences). The other parts of my application include:
IB program
4.0 unweighted, 5.33 weighted GPA (a little inflated, I know), class rank: 6/700.
35.5 ACT (36/35/35/36)
1380 psat (I know not my strongest point)
Taken 4 AP exams, 2 5’s, 2 still waiting (note that I’m in mostly IB classes only taking some AP electives, I won’t get my ib scores back till after applying to college)
Top 10 In country for age level chess player
Cofounder, sole president of local chapter of international nonprofit (raised over 15000 dollars for cancer kits and a school for the blind in India, over 300 members, put a LOT of work into it)
Founder, president of School History Club (never really went anywhere, not for lack of trying)
Lincoln Douglas debate (1 year) (never really went anywhere either)
Kiva microloan club (1 year) (contributed a little, not much though, no leadership position)
Chess club (team captain 3 years, this year we had to build a whole team from scratch (other than me) but got top 20 at nationals, first time in schools history)
Does anyone have any input on what I should do? I would really appreciate it.