I am a sophomore, and am planning to apply to RSI in the fall. However, I have look ALL OVER the internet, and there seems to be a lot of conflicting information, even on basic quantitative information, such as acceptance rate ( I've heard estimates of around 5% to less than 1%, and I've only been able to find applied/accepted figures once, form about a decade ago, and I suspect that the number of applicants has grown since then, but by how much I don't know). Anyhow, I had no idea what RSI was until about 18 months ago. Back in the Stone Age, when I started high school, I though you had to be well-rounded to go to a good university. Then I read the (in)famous PrepScholar article, and my view of things was changed completely. I now knew that I have to have a "spike", as they call it, so I did various science activities that I was interested in, all the time keeping RSI in the back of my mind. Then I just finished reading Cal Newport's "How to Be a High School Superstar", and it was yet another different view of everything. So now I'm wondering, preferably from Rickoids, would I be right in saying that the common denominator among RSI participants is having “interestingness” as described by Cal Newport?