everyone who has gone to cosmos tell me that its great, both academically and socially, and i really really want to get in this year!
it'll be my first time writing a summer application so could someone give me advice as to what i should be talking about >< does it have to be exceptionally outstanding or anything?
I'm interested in biomed from UCD: my choices are as follows- 1) Biomed 2) Chemistry of Life
I know they are very competitive, but im highly interested in both.
Here are my stats:
UW GPA- 3.8
W GPA- 3.9
ACT- 34 (34,34,34,35)
I go to a competitive bay area hs
Presidential Award for Volunteering, Level Gold
US Open 3rd Place winner
Weekly volunteer for 3 years
Internship in University of Washington on the study of Cryobiology
pls let me know any tips and if it's realistic for me to aim for biomed!
thank you :), any feedback appreciated ^^